Organization of the R2PC
The membership of the Region 2 Planning Commission (R2PC) is composed of those local units of government (i.e., counties, cities, vlllages, townships, and school districts) within and including the Counties of Hillsdale, Jackson, and Lenawee which make regular annual contributions (currently 27¢ per capita) to the operating costs of the Commission. The R2PC is organized into the following bodies:
Full Board
All members of the R2PC have representation on the full board (see the bylaws for full details). The setting of board policy and the management of the business of the Commission is accomplished during regular meetings of the full board which are held bi-monthly.
Executive Committee
The exercise of power over board policy and management of the business of the Commission between regular meetings of the full board are vested in an executive committee.
Personnel and Finance Committee
The committee reviews personnel and financial concerns of the Commission and provides recommendations to the Executive Director, the Executive Committee, and/or the Commission.
Nominating Committee
The committee has the responsibility for recommending a slate of commissioners for the election to the executive committee as well as a slate of officers selected from the membership of the executive committee.
R2PC Staff
The Region 2 Planning Commission currently employs an executive director, three planners, an accountant, and an executive secretary. Please refer to the Contact page of this website for more information.
Documents of Interest
The following documents provide more information on the purpose, organization, and activities of the Region 2 Planning Commission.
Other Documents
Please feel free to contact the staff if you have any questions.